Thursday, April 21, 2011

hellooooo mirrriiii !!!! ;D ,day 1

selamat pagi murid-murid,arinie cikgu nk ceritakan pada kamu sume pengalaman cikgu otw g miri,sarawak,
kamu nk dgr x ? ? ?
murid:xnk cikgu
cikgu:xpe ckg nk cerita gak (hahahah baik xpyh tanya)

ok,maybe aq xpost sebelum nie yang aq nk g sarawak tap xpelah bukan ade org bce pown (sobs sobs ;(
ceeehhhh hahahaha

ok2,arinie aq bertolak dari segamat pkul 8 - 8.30 gitula,
then sampai KLIA pkul 11.30 a.m
tapi disebabkan aq sampai awl sgt sebab flight aq pkul 1.15 p.m (gle awl kn , exciteddddd ==")
so mak ngan ayah aq temankan aq dulu n duduk kat asian cafe kt KLIA,
1 minit : duduk
10 minit :masih duduk
30 minit:still duduk ag kat asian cafe tu..
sebelum tuh bapk aq da peg kt kete sebb takot kena saman,
then tinggl la mak aq temankan aq,
sebenarnya bile2 pown bleh masuk entrance peg kat gate yg ditentukan
tapi aq malas la nk tunggu congok sorank2 kt sne so mak aq n aq mencuci mata
definition mencuci mata bagi mak aq: tengok beg2,baju kt situ
definition mencuci mata bagi aq plak: tengok mat saleh hensem2 ..hahahaha
tapi xlame pown..mak aq pown xlarat nk tunggu so mak aq soh masuk gak..

aq masuk then kena check beg ,seram la gak sebab takot ade bnde
yang aq bawak kank bunyi lak mesin tu..
tap alhamdullilah xde pape pown bunyi then aq truskn jalan menuju kejayaan
ehh silap,menuju gate B3 utk ke miri,
sementara tunggu boarding flight,aq men la ipod aq sebab org len ckp2 sesama sendiri aq nie lak duduk sorank2 so selfservices la tok menggembirakan hati..

mase nk boarding tu aq tgk la pramugara-pramugari yang ade..
tapi xde yang lawa pown..indah khabar dari rupa,
xde la aq selalu dgr yang stewardess yang dipilih nie sume msti cantik2,
hensem2 tap....

so aq nyer tempat duduk 16F xsilap aq,
tepi tingkap,


jumpe !!!



sebab pandang luar nampak wing kapal ==" ,
abg aq beriya soh aq pilih tmpat yg bukan kt wing tap dier lak yang pilih aq nyer kt BETOL2 kt wing plane uuh ..

so pemandangan aq ke luar bukan la cantik sgt selain nampak wing uuh,
aq nie da lame xnaik plane..last sekali mase umo 10 taon,time tuh berulang alik ke kedah dari jb ngan ayah aq,tyme disebabkn skank bapak aq ade penyakit so dier xleh tension,
n disebabkan itu jugak la tyme flight tu bergegar or nak naik ke awan nano
macam2 penyakit aq ade,rse nk muntah la,
pening kepale la,

orang sebelah aq nie laki,tecnician heli aq rse xsmpai 5 minit kat atas,
ade dgr sore kt sblah aq,
tgk sebelah,

la,da berdengkur da pown,

tap dier baik ,ramah la,tanye aq mcm2,
so xde la lonely dok atas tu,

wait a minute,aq nmpak ABG SHIKIN!!
da ah same plane mcm xye kowt,tap aq xpasti,
henpne xleh gune ,nk tnyer shikin ,
so tunggu jela ,

2 jam 30 minit berlalu ,
akhirnya sampai gak aq ke miri,
time flight tu nak turun cecah tanah ,
laju giler kowt then berdentam aq da rse mcm naik roller coaster MUMMY kt USS

then time tunggu amik beg kt tempat berpusing uuh,
aq sempat call shikin tanya n betol la abg dier ,
aq ingtkn nk tegor sbb abg dier kt ujung hulu aq kt ujung hilir ,
tgk2 abg dier da menuju kt aq smbil buat muke terkejut beruk ,hahaha
(jgn mara shikin aq kutok abg ko nie )

dialog situasi kami:
abg shikin:eh dtg ngan sape
aq:sorank jer
abg shikin :ade rombongan sekolah ke ape nie
aq:==" *tau la aq da abh sekolah*

xsmpat berbual panjang pown since beg aq sampai dulu,
abg aq pown xsmpai ag ,
kalau x boleh kenal ngan abg aq sbb diorg kte xpanh jmpe ,

tido jap,penat kowd..

then mandi,solat sume ,g turun makan..

aq beli dvd , owh yeah hotel yang abg aq duduk nie bawah dier ade mall ,
dvd kt sini murah kowd..
aq da mule rambang mata @@
*aq pantang nampak cd dpan mata*

ade sale 50% yooo,
aq da minat kat 2 pasg kasut nie ,
da mule la tuh ,
tap xbeli pown sebab abg aq kate tgk2 dulu,
lame ag stay,

so xbeli ,
tap jalan kaki kt kedai makan dekat ngan hotel kitorg,

let the picture that the role :
sory not in order (*buta it*)

-cheah what a suprise ,cheah da keje x gtau pown ,pakar
kanak2 la tu (wait a minute,cheah bukan xske budak ke hahahah)

-mcm lapa giler,nie la abg aq yang sulong,namenye along,
dier bukan along dier cume nak tolong je
-he ate lelapan keli

-nie aq punyer ,lelapan tenggiri ,sedap yo
(aq xpena2 mkn sambal belacan mkn gak sebab tu jerk lauk dier ,then pipi aq start gatal2)
tap gatal2 aq pown mkn abh gak ..heheh *lapo*

-tgk astro supersport yang ntah mende2 la,

fresh orange yang begitu sedap....hahaha

p/s: hehe..thank you sape yang bce tuh,
p/s/s:still mcm xpercya boleh jumpa abg shikin kt miri!! @@
yela kt segamat pown aq xpenah jumpe dpan2 ..abhahah
p/s/s/s:terima kasih kt hurin sebab jadi tour guide a.k.a kamus bergerak xbbyo kt aq:.heheh

to be continued on the next day journey ;D

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

TODAY . . .

today , nothing much happen

i doing chores and extra chores because this thursday

i will be going to sarawak,

so i dont want to burden my mum
as she already had enough works to do . . (soo anak mithali kn ^^)

at 2 p.m i waiting for "abang posmen lalu" because i already ordered

baju kita bako !! kt fb but didnt arrived since a week ago . . (soo sedih T_T )

at 4 pm : going to wan's house to give my hard disk so he can tranfer secret garden and dream high as my dvd THAT ALREADY BOUGHT IT NOT LESS THAN 2 DAYS AGO BROKEN (soo nyesal beli pirates nyer T_T)

after that: going to pos laju to send my customer's comic that she bought from my blog(klu nak tgk kt snie ye ^^)
but so damn mahal nyer mcm xblik modal lak (asal rungut xbaik tau !!)

at 8pm up until now :watching secret garden from file that my friend's wan gave it to me (ooh amek balik kowl 7 tad =)
butttt grrrr when i almost at the end, found that episode 20 is gone @@ , im like wth...i actually ade bought this dvd but then damages lak ep akhir2 nie that why malas nk beli pirates nyer baik beli kt fb eventhough mahal xde la menyakitkan hati aku kn knn
(pengajaran:pisang da berbuah dua kali, xkan ku beli dvd korea pirates nyer lagi!! ) =="

p/s:mesti korank wondering kn apsl post kli nie aku asyik tkar wrne jerk jwpn nyer ialahhhhhhhhhh sje jerk borink la asyik kaler itam jer btol x?
p/s/s:pasl post yang bukan2 nie ialah kerana aq xdee idea nk post ape2 but i want to update it i feel like almost years since the last time i blogging . . ^^ anneyong

Saturday, April 9, 2011

healing time

its a quite long time since the last time i'm blogging right ? . Im sorry I took a long time to heal myself of my spm's result . .if u want to know i just got 4a3b2c . . its a achievement for me actually but not for my parent especially my father that i know he's the one the most upset about my result ..yeah plus u know about makcik-makcik n nenek-nenek whose always bubbling mumbling that make me irritating . .but eventually i came as a new person now for the support and couraging word from my oldest brother,Along *kami bukan along kami cuma nak tolong* its true actually ,right ? ;) and from cheah my buddy who actually wrote on her blog that make me think twice and turn out to be true and the words help me going through this phases. . thankz everyone that i not mention but also helping me.. Now i became a new person and if i got any application from matrik or universities i will try my best so that i can make my parent smile because of ME ! . . n not because of anyone else but ME!! . . I realised now that i have not make my parent smile yet.. but who know what is coming next and i really really really want to work harder than before and people who read this please pray for me !! amin . .

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

i dont know if i can..

as spm will come out TOMORROW

im about to cry now..
when my father's said:
"walau apa pon yg dpt jangan nk menangis ,or melalak xtentu pasal,terima je ape yg dpt"
but i know my father will be sad if i dont get a good result as i had looking his face past this years was sad when ever i got a result such UPSR n PMR..
i dont get a terrible result but its ok,ok la..
YA ALLAH,I really,really hope that i'll get a very nice result n make my father n mother proud of me..


Friday, March 18, 2011

Super Junior Coming to Malaysia!!

i dont want to post this entry because it will just make me more jealous of those who go to the concert..haihhh..
"kenapa la xdak duit tyme nie"
"itu kerana awak tidak bekerja wahai shafinaz"
"betol gak uuh,haiisshh"
i used to not loving-duving og them but i'm started to like those guys because they have fb so they can comminucate with us..
i used to be not to trust those acc because sometimes its runned by roleplayer...
i hate roleplayer,
why we need a roleplayer..
when we can actually chatting wif the real artist here,
i have 2 fb's acc which owned by THE REAL super junior's member..
which is SI-won n Lee Donghae
i kinda trusted them based on their tour picture,infact roleplayer cant get their photos while they on tour rite..
n based on the story they telling us..
i really hope dat they ARE NOT THE ROLEPLAYER!!!!

hmm..u dunno super junior,here are some of their pic..

my future husband,Choi Si Won..haishhh *wink wink*

hottie,sexy n all that woman's dream,he has it !!!hahah

p/s :hahah..aku terbuat post nie kt blog bussiness aq lak..tu yg nmpak mcm xsiap jerk n tulisan kecik2 sbb aq cut n paste jerk..
p/s/s: padah buat byk2 blog nie.. =l

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

legaaa giler!!!

well..i supposed sume da tawu entry aq berkenaan apa kn..
tap aq nk bgtau jugk yg
AKU DA LULUS hahah..
lulus kete beb.
.nafas sume trun naik trun naik je dr tad..
smpai akk sabariah ckp "amboi nafas mcm lari 10 km"
*sambil menggigil tulis nama n sign on the given paper*
what hillarious and embarassing moment..
mane x nyer da elok2 buat bukit and parking aq leh terlupa nk wat 3 penjuru.
.da la aq org pertama utk sesi 2 petg..
so aq reverse n buat 3 penjuru
*smbil mulut terkumat-kamit "knfem failed knfem failed"*
then trus lak buat jalan raya..
pergh berlari2 aq ke sana ke sini sbb jadi org pertama..
shikin kate "org kate org pertama nie lucky"
n aq rse btol la tuh sbb Jpj bru lpas makan n solat so mesti reda nyer kmarahan diorg sbb pag nyer test..
nasib la aq dapat jalan raya A tap kat selekoh nak msuk
Jalan A uuh Jpj siap marah:
situasi ketika selekoh Jalan A:
lampu hijau
then aq jlan la..tyme selekoh
Jpj: cmtu ke awk buat selekoh!? *smbil pegang yg kat atas uhh tmpat pegang tgn uuh*
aq: *diam*
Jpj: *tnyer ag skali* cmtuh ke?!
aq:*terketar2 jawb slah kowt*

then trus la buat jalan raya A yg pnuh cabaran itu..THE END...
Legaaaa giler!!!stress is over..

p/s: cheah and shikin..da lme xnmpak korank..sngat rindu kt korank tad aq xreti nk exprseed kerinduan aq sbb x ilang lag nervous bwk kete uuh..hehehe =D


terima kasih wahai CHEAH krn telah femeskn aq..

hahah..korank ptt g blog dier utk maklumat lnjut..


Thursday, February 17, 2011

omg!! novel da sampai..=D

well..nie bkn yg aq bli..ceah yg pnyer..da lme aq nk..tap keadaan
tidak mengizinkn utk aq mmbaca nyer *cewahhh*..hahha
bru dpt dr mimi yg mimi lak dpt dr shikin dan shikin lak dpt dr ceah...
*wow,rntai maknn oops bkn rantai buku,,hahha*
so aq da bce stgh tap mcm xintersted..sbb jln cter dier mcm
drama korea yg aq sknk tgh tgk..
aq mmg mcm nie klu yg real bleh tgk buat pe bce buku...
*moto idup* wink..wink
tap klu da bosan nnt aq bce la blik..hahha

fuhhh..2 novel nie da lme aq cri..tap xjmpe..nseb ade jual kt tnet.. mmg sllu beli kt tnet sbb murah n xde kos postage..
tap sbb slh satunyer aq bli kt luar wlopown mahal sbb aq nk sgt bce ckp pe...ah mengidam.hahah.

p/s:erm novel nie bru smpai tghari tad..ptt la aq nk sgt wat kje umah awl2
sbb nie novel nk smpai kowt..hahah..sbb slalunyer aq buat keje maid kt umah sndri niee
lambat2 giler..ptg bru nk sidai bju,mandi ag pown jadi mandi ptg..*alamak kantoii**
wink3 ^^,

Sunday, February 13, 2011

hey new blog 4 business..=D

yipppieee....i kinda thinking n thinking n thinking n thinking (bper byk seh)hahha finally produced a new blog dat sell comic n i will get going to the university ( hope so ) so it will be in dustbin if i left them here,home..oh i noe so much dat my mum does't want anything messy around i decided to sell for the lowest price..

visit to this link,,

n really hope that u guys will advertise my blog to ur frenz..=D

Monday, January 31, 2011

gambar bnjir..

nie kat selang 3 buah umah dr umah aq...mmg dalam...

nie kedai runcit kt situ gak..sejak aq pndah xpena aq nmpak dier buka..hahha

nie kt ujung blkg umah aq..selang bberapa jalan la giler ah
tggl bumbung jeerk..
aq slalu gak g umah lme ikowt jln nie arap2 sume org kt sne uuh selamat...

nie kt shell dpn umah aq..yg sblh ngan tempat test komputer uuh
spe yg da amik lesen tuh tawu la..
ginie org yg nk "TOLONG" tolong tengok..=="

bpk aq tlg jage kt depan uhh halang org dr kedepan..
org yg mangsa bnjir nek bot lps tu trun kt snie la..
siap ade ambulans da mcm2 ada..

banjir oh banjir!!

erm since sknk nie musim banjir jadik aq akan update pasal banjir la..
aq pown mangsa banjir gak...hahah
sbb umah aq da jdik pulau..g kiri pown xleh g kanan pown xleh..g blkg ag la xbleh..
umah lama aq kat taman mida dilaporkan mmg dah tenggelam..
da ar umah aq tuh mmg tanah rendah..adoyai..
nseb tggal skit jerk brg blm angkut pegi umah snie..
erm nseb gak 3 ekor kucing mak aq da selamatkn..
sknk nie asyik tdo jerk dalam sangkar..
tggl ayam jerk berenang2 ngan ank2 dier..
xtawu la selamat ke tidak uuh,,
argghh sdihnyer..
wlapown aq bknnyer bek sgt pown ngan miss AYAM uuh tap haiwan peliharaan bpk aq gak..
ptg tad aq kuar gak..nk tgk bpk aq kerja..tolong mangsa bnjir n sbb nk antar jaket kt dier..
so dlm perjalann uuh aq men2 ngan air bnjir parat buku lali..heheh..
padahal bru lepas mandi..=D
so dpan umah aq nie kn ade rail ketapi..
byk giler owg spnjg laluan nie..nseb la xde ketapi klu x...

well nie gmbar yg aq amik ptg tad..skit jela sbb skala aq berjalan xleh jauh sbb pulaukan??..heheh

Sunday, January 16, 2011

tdo awl,bgn awl la..

time:7:51 a.m
place:atas katil

about my entry today,
as u all noe..its still morning n aq jarang2 bgn awl nie..hahha..
its always kowl 10-11..(pergh kantoi) :p
baloi la sbb aq tdo pown lmbat..
erm nie aq bgn pag pown sbb smlm aq tdo kowl 8 (pergh gler awl kn)
erm nie sume sbb moving stuff n all
yg membuatkn aq jadi BADANG versi perempuan..(bak kata ana)
hha..k toodles for now as my stomach has singing already..
next tyme entry nnt aq upload gmbar bilik aq yg bru..yeaaaa..=))

Thursday, January 13, 2011

lunch KFC dinner PIZZA HUT..

berkenaan dgn entry kli ini,ptg aq mkn KFC ngan ceah n shikin..n mlm lak..
aq ingtkn nk tdo awl sbb pnat gler woo ari nie..
but then mak aq ajk g mkn pizza..
nk xnk terpaksa la..

then bile kt sne lak aq da jadi malu-kemaluan(jgn pkir kuning ye readers)
sbb aq pnah apply vacancy kt snie..
tap ble tgk ade trainee
aq suda pasrah sbb tawu mmg xde chance aq nk kje kt stu.=(
aq rse diorg knal aq kowt..sbb pndang2..
bkn seorg tap 3-4 org..
(ntah aq prsan kot)
aq ckp kt mak aq tap mak aq kte
"ooo nie ke dak yg xdpt kje uuh"
hahah..gler lwk la mak aq nie..=D
sbb aq prasan adlah krn aq apply siap ade gmbar ag..
n tad ade dak cina ttbe bg hnpne aq kt aq!!
aq lak tgh syok mkn while wat soduku yg KFC ltak
aq wat derk la sbb aq tgk dak nie mcm xbtol(haha..xbek btol aq nie kn)
but bile kali kedua aq pndg family sume pndg n kte terjatuh..
hahah..nie la pdh men soduku xingt dunia..=D
k aq pown pnat sbb aq jadi BADANG pompuan(bak kte ana)
sbb tlg bpk aq tbg pokok kt dpn umah..

p/s:soduku tu aq xdpt abhkn sbb nk blik da..haha..klu bwk blik pown xgne sbb aq rse soduku level mad..giler susah! *ish*

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Hang out wif the gurls..=D

well its started wif:
tgh aq mkn nasi lemak which was my breaklunch(breakfast+lunch),a text from cheahlalala asking to go to the KFC wif shikin-yui..dgn aq yg xmndi ag n bru bgn tdo trus la reply krn KFC tuh dkt jerk ngan umah aq..klu nek mto mrempit xsmpai 2 minit pown..(itu pown klu green light la spnjng mse)hahaha..erm smpai2 jerk nmpak dayah(my ex-schoolmates)ngah buka pntu kt KFC nk glak jerk tgk kwn aq kje..tap bru ku sedar yg aq nie jerk yg xkje..
duit pown smkin kempis...

aq tpn ceah sbb dier kte klu da smpai cll..n ktorg berjumpa..argghhh suda lme aq xjmpe diorg since skolah da abh..hahah..ceah la..shikin aritu da jmpe da..diorg bru blik dr klas teori tggl amik lthn jerk..erm ceah ngan shikin order snack-plate dgn dayah jadi cashier nyer..dier bkk counter trus pggl ktowg order kt gak ah kco dayah tad..hahah *gelak jahat* lak dsbbkn bru je lpas mkn nasi lemak ordr simple jerk *simple la sgt* aq order yg oreo blender uuh then cheezy wedges n kentucky nuggets..

dan lpas order ktowg g tngkat atas sbb bwh rmai org..ktowg amik place kt sblh tngkap..bleh nmpak pmndangan sgamat yg indah nan permai nie..*yo yo o jerk*
hahahah..ktowg bergosip berchatting n having fun..nk dkt sejam gak lah ktowg kt stu..msing2 da mls nk jalan sbb prut da knyang giler..hhaha..

tapi terpksela blik diorg boleh la..xde klas prcticala aq nie nk amik lthn kte jap ag..kak yah (org hndle peng-kereta-an aq) ktekowl 4..erm ade ag stgh jam ag..hahah..erm anyway we r having fun kn ceah kn..hahaha...mngutuk itu mngutuk ini..hahah

Ice breaking


this is my 2nd blog which was also my place to sell my comic..
well..i hope u guys will enjoy reading..